How To Invest In Sustainable
Men's Fashion In 2021

sustainable men's fashion australia

Australian made apparel is shifting in fashion trends, as the world is starting to prioritise sustainable products over fast fashion. Many people struggle to reconcile dressing well with environment/sustainable fashion, which is the main challenge in overhauling their wardrobes.

There aren’t as many clothing brands that make trendy organic pieces, which causes issues in convenience and style, thus contributing to fast fashion.

People want to look good, but this drive for vanity often creates an issue for climate change because of all the chemicals and resources used to make clothes. They buy tons of shirts, shorts, and jackets only to never wear them....

Sustainable men’s clothing in Australia is, fortunately, catching on, and here are ways to continue the fight against fast fashion in 2021:

Dominate the Trends of Your Wardrobe

It’s easy to get sucked into what’s trendy during each season, and so many clothing stores that have international branches continuously create new collections. Keeping up with the demand means that the supply will always increase, and people who keep buying into the in-thing will contribute to the world’s increasing climate change issues.

Think about your favourite pieces of clothing and note down their colours or designs. Listing down everything you wear regularly will help you see your fashion style, which will prevent spur-of-the-moment impulse purchases each time.

If you notice that you’re wearing a lot of light-coloured polo shirts, stick to those purchases from now on and avoid being sucked into cool-looking clothing that you’ll only wear once.

Remember the 30x rule - if you can’t see yourself wearing it 30 times, then don’t buy it!

Ethical fashion stats

Source: Thread

Avoid the Fast Fashion Conglomerates

Big brands with international storefronts are typically the worst ones to buy clothes from because they use unsustainable and cruel practices to keep their costs low. It’s important to note that there are global brands doing the opposite of this, such as Patagonia.

Some local Australian made apparel might cost a bit more because of their smaller production batches, but you can be a lot more confident that they were made fairly - especially if they were manufactured by an Ethical Clothing Australia approved factory.

Additionally, supporting local businesses that are smaller in scale is a great way to help out the economy and keep the industry afloat. If they have environment-sustainable fashion practices, this is even better because you know they’re making efforts to produce excellent-quality clothes. 

Stick to the Timeless Pieces

Fashion trends may shift per season, but there are always items that will remain a closet-constant. It’s much easier for men to have a good wardrobe of clothes like a basic-coloured hoodie or one or two good winter coats, but women can also downsize and do the same.

Sticking to one brand of clothes was popularised by people like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, as these two uber-successful people made tons of money by living simply (and often wearing the same thing every day).

Having a few special items is acceptable, but keeping a wardrobe sustainable means downsizing to the bare essentials. Keeping the colour palettes consistent will also help with laundry, so wearing tons of dark or black shirts and underwear means fewer load cycles required to be run. 


Avoid Plastic-Origin Clothing

Polyester, acrylic, and nylon shirts may feel very comfortable, but if you’re looking for sustainable men’s clothing in Australia, stick to natural fibre items. Buying wool, linen, and cotton are recommended because they can be repurposed and recycled after their life expectancy.

The more plastic is found in the fibres of a clothing piece, the harder it will be to recycle or dispose of it. Plenty of Australian made apparel is starting to use more natural fabrics to ensure that they are eco-friendly and biodegradable. 


Australian made apparel made with sustainable fashion in mind is a great way to preserve the natural environment and remove fast fashion trends. It can be difficult to let go of old habits when clothes shopping, but the benefits outweigh the cost.

Stride is a purveyor of some of the best Australian-made apparel and skincare products holistically made with the natural environment in mind.

Buy sustainable products today to reduce climate change’s impacts and develop better habits that save the earth.

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