5 Reasons You Should Commit To
Sustainable Fashion Today

Consumers today are more mindful of their choices and how these affect the environment. More people are buying from companies with ethical commitments and focused on reducing their impact on global pollution.
For example, eco-conscious beach lovers are likely to buy sustainable Australian swimwear that aligns with their values - as opposed to wearing bikinis that damage the very beaches they love.
That’s just one example of how conscious consumers commit to sustainable fashion, so here are 5 reasons to do just that.
Australia Going Green: Progressing, But Can Do Better
The world's largest polluters are China and India, and Australia has a smaller negative impact on the environment. Anything that reduces air or water pollution, though, will improve the environment.
Due to our small population, our total emissions here in Australia are dwarfed by larger countres - but did you know that Australia has the highest per capita emissions amongst developed countries.
There’s a lot of room for improvement.
The 2018 National Waste Report says that Australia has sent 31.7 metric tons of materials into recycling programs. These are typically metals, organics, and masonry, but it shows a promising trend. More than recycling, though, governments must find ways of actively reducing the amount of waste generated.

Source: Statista
Marine Life Suffering From Plastic Waste
It's incredible to think that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is already twenty years old, but it's true. It has been two decades since a California sailor spotted the patch in the doldrums of the Pacific Ocean.
Since the region has weak ocean and air currents, it is a natural place for massive amounts of plastic waste to gravitate. Experts disagree on the size of the patch. According to some, it is about as large as Queensland. Others say it is bigger than Australia, containing over 79,000 metric tons of plastic.
Plastic is non-biodegradable and does not melt from exposure to the elements. So, the patch has become a "stew" of biomass and plastic. The patch endangers the ecosystem.
Sometimes, some creatures eat parts of the patch, and it also gets ocean life tangled in it. The garbage patch is only one manifestation of a larger problem.
Consumers Must Demand Accountability
Textile mills, especially in the developing world, have little to no standards for regulating emissions. This situation causes problems for the people and the environment where these factories are.
Consumers might not have a say in where companies build their factories, but they can make their preferences known by committing to sustainable fashion practices. To do this, customers must know which companies have ethical clothing brands. They must be aware of which ones adhere to high environmental standards, practice fair trade and implement humane labour practices.
If they haven't implemented sustainable practices, are they committed to doing so and have made progress? Besides going for brands that fully embody their ethos, customers should reward efforts or ongoing campaigns.

Source: Fashion Revolution
It Is Vital To Share What You Know With Others
Committing to sustainability means ensuring that others know as much about living a green lifestyle as you. Tell others what you learn about companies - good or bad.
One person buying products from an eco-friendly store will not make much of a difference, but dozens of people buying one or two items would make an impact. Beyond exposing companies, accountability also means highlighting what they do well, so let's ensure we highlight ethical fashion brands in Australia playing their part!
Embracing a sustainable lifestyle is easier when you are part of a community. Join a community or a network of concerned individuals with whom you can share updates on how to reduce your impact on the environment.
Going Green Is A Holistic Process
Committing to a sustainable lifestyle also means making simple changes like refusing straws, buying less products with plastic packaging and taking your keepcup with you everywhere. You could also set up a worm farm for food and biodegradable waste at home.
Finally, other lifestyle changes, like watching your energy consumption and reusing grey or bath water for watering plants, are also a good idea. It's important to remember that you can’t just implement one or two things; a total overhaul of our capitalist lifestyles is necessary, but don't try and do t overnight!
People are more eco-conscious today than ever before!
However, having a green lifestyle goes beyond shopping with cloth bags or buying from brands that recycle materials. It involves continuously educating oneself and others about the best practices in sustainability.
Shop at Stride for sustainable and inclusive fashion and beauty.
We are Australia's premier source of environment-friendly, sustainable fashion and beauty products for women, men, and non-binary persons.
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